Wednesday 18 November 2009

Final magazine cover and contents page

This is my contents page for my student magazine

This is my final front cover for my student magazine. I chose the name Aspire as I thought it fitted in with the school's ambitious and hard working attitude. I went with an orange background as my magazine was the autumn edition and I thought orange was a good autumnal colour. I chose light blue for the font for contrast and also because it match my model's jumper. I out the school logo in the corner to give the magazine a more professional feel and to giver a sense of a brand to the product. I really like the font I chose, as it looks like handwriting and fits in with the student idea.

Monday 16 November 2009

Pictures I took for my magazine

Here is a presentaiton of all the pictures I took for my magazine

Friday 6 November 2009

Flat Plans

I created three possible layouts, or flat plans for my magazine cover.

Reader Profile

I created a reader profile which showed what interests my target audience. I included other magazines that are aimed at my target audiences, television shows which may appeal to them and technological items that they use everyday, such as mobile phones, laptops and MP3 players. I also included places where my target audience may spend their time, such as the Odeon and Nandos' logo.