Tuesday 6 October 2009

Audience Questionnaire

As part of my task, I created a questionnaire that I could hand out to my target audience (students in the sixth form) to find out what they thought of student magazines and what they would like to see. I asked the following questions;

1) Do you currently buy any magazines on a regular basis? If so, please name them;

I asked this question so that I could find out what magazines my audience were interested in. I could then look at these magazines and what makes them attractive and try to incorporate that into my magazine.

2) What are your main interests?

This question gave me an insight into what activities my audience were interested in outside of school, which could be useful for when I'm considering what articles to include in my magazine.

3) If SHSG provided a sixth form magazine, would you be prepared to pay for it?

This told me whether I would need to find sponsorship for my magazine, or whether it would be realistic to charge for it.

4) If so, how much?

This question would help me later on in the project, when I would have to think of a price for my magazine

5)What aspects of sixth form life worry you the most?

I asked this question to help me to decide what features to include in my magazine and to find out what topics people would most like advice on.

6) What features would you most like to see in a sixth form magazine?

As well as advice articles, I also need to think of other features for my magazine. This question helped me find out what features my target audience would like best.

Friday 2 October 2009

Results of my questionnaire

Results of my Questionnaire

When asked 'Do you read any magazines regularly?' 75% of the people I asked said that they read some, with More, Ok and Elle coming out as the most popular. This shows that my audience are interested in fashion and clebrity magazines. Only 25% said that they did not read any magazines regularly.

When asked 'what are your main interests?' music was the top result, with fashion and film coming lcose seonds. This relates to the kind of magazines my target audience read. It also helps me to know what articles and features to put in my magazine that will attract my target auidience.

Over half of my target audience said that the work load was the aspect of 6th form life they worried about the most, with university applications coming a close second. This will help em to decide what artciles to put in amagzine, as it shows what advice my target auidence would most like to see.

The most populae types of articles amongst my target audience were advice, reviews and new about events. This helped me to decide what features to put in my magazine.